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Our vision is one of the most vital factors we require to engage in our daily activities and sustain an improved quality of life. Eyeglasses, contact lenses, LASIK treatments, and other eye surgery methods are widely used in an eye center to correct vision problems. However, for specific eye problems, non-invasive therapeutic measures can be taken to cure the condition. The treatment is referred to as vision therapy, and this article will look into a few eye problems that can correct with vision therapy.

What Is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a non-surgical treatment method supervised by an eye doctor for vision correction. It is a physical therapy that uses lenses, filters, video games, prisms, and other devices to teach the visual system to correct itself.

The success or progress depends on the patient’s active engagement as it involves a therapeutic process that can take a considerable amount of time. The treatment can help correct conditions that cannot usually be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Given below are the main types of eye conditions that can be corrected using vision therapy.


This is a condition in which the eye is not properly aligned with each other when focusing on an object or image. Strabismus can cause eye muscle issues, farsightedness, trauma, infections, and problems in the brain’s control center that signal direct eye movements. The problem could cause amblyopia (lazy eye) or issues in-depth perception if strabismus is left untreated.

Double vision and eye strain are the common signs of strabismus. Vision treatment can help alleviate the problem by training the brain to use both eyes simultaneously. Pencil pushups, brock string, and barrel cards are three eye exercises used to treat the condition.


A lazy eye condition is a vision issue that happens with one eye. This occurs when the brain and the eyes don’t work together and favor one eye. Here, the stronger eyes work better, and the other eye becomes lazy over time. Amblyopia can be mostly seen among kids, and parents may notice struggling symptoms like squinting, shutting one eye when reading, or tilting their head.

The signs can be hard to notice and usually requires a visit to an eye specialist for a diagnosis. Refractive errors, cataracts, or strabismus conditions can develop into amblyopia conditions. Children with premature births, development disabilities, or a family history of amblyopia can be at risk of getting the problem.

Binocular vision exercises, eye-tracking activities, spatial skill tests, and specially designed video games are a few vision therapy modes used to treat the condition.

Digital Eye Strain

Computer vision syndrome can be seen among adults who work in front of digital screens during the major part of their day. Discomfort, eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder problems are a few signs and symptoms of digital eye strain.

Those who experience eye focusing and coordination issues while using digital screens need to undergo visual training to improve the coordination between the eyes and the brain. Office-based and home treatments are usually practiced here for effective results.

Convergence Insufficiency

If your eyes drift outwards when you look at a nearby object, you might be experiencing convergence insufficiency. The condition causes one or both eyes to move outwards when looking at a closer thing. The issue can be seen among all ages, especially in younger adults.

Eye strains, headaches, difficulty reading, headaches, trouble concentrating, blurred and double vision are a few symptoms of the condition. Prism glasses, pencil pushups, and in-office exercises are the main vision therapy methods used to treat the problem.

If you or your child is experiencing any of these eye issues, visit us at Quironsalud, the best Dubai vision eye center, for a comprehensive eye examination. Our highly skilled optometrist will perform a vision therapy assessment and evaluation to treat you with the most suitable vision therapy treatment.


Eye Care Dubai

Villa 1187, 304 Wasl Road,Umm Al Sheif District, Dubai, UAE

Phone. +971 4 342 2228

Mobile. +971 50 744 7757


Office Hours
9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Saturday to Thursday
