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Glaucoma is known to be the second leading cause of blindness in the world. The vision loss from glaucoma cannot be restored with treatments. Hence, It is crucial to take Glaucoma Treatment in Dubai and prevent measures at their earliest to slow and control the condition. This article will look into the types of precautionary measures that you can take for necessary prevention.

Regular Eye exams

A regular comprehensive dilated eye exam is required to identify glaucoma condition at its earliest and prevent significant vision distortions. It is best recommended to get these eye examinations every 5 to 10 times for people falling under the age range of below 40. If you are between 40 and 50 years old, you must have this visit every 2 to 4 years. Those with a 55 to 64 age need eye checkups every 2 to 3 years. People above the age of 60 need to have an annual examination. 

Know Your History

It is crucial to know your family history when it comes to glaucoma conditions. Eye consultants state that you are more likely to get the same genetically as glaucoma tends to run in families. Hence, people with a family history need to have more frequent eye examinations as they fall under the high-risk category.

Treat Existing Medical Conditions

Glaucoma is a disease caused due to increased eye pressure. If you have long-term medical conditions such as high pressure, you are more likely to get glaucoma once you get older. Hence, it is essential to take medications for these health conditions and keep them under control to avoid them.

Engage In Safe Exercises

Exercising safely under the instructions and guidelines by your eye doctor can help decrease eye pressure. You can learn more about these exercise types and start to execute them to treat or prevent glaucoma conditions.

Wear Eye Protection

Many people do not use necessary eye wearers or protection when engaged in activities that can cause injuries to the eye. Eye trauma can increase intraocular pressure and cause glaucoma. The events can occur when involved in household activities, sports, or even work if you work in a construction-type work environment. Hence, ensure to wear safety glasses before taking part in so-called activities.

Take Prescribed Eye Drops

Once you have been prescribed glaucoma eye drops, you are required to take them accordingly. You must take them as per your glaucoma specialist‘s instruction even if you do not have any symptoms. This can help reduce and maintain lower eye pressure without causing glaucoma condition.

Adhering to these critical factors can help prevent glaucoma condition. If you have already been diagnosed with the disease, these prevention techniques can help maintain lower eye pressure without causing further vision loss. It is crucial to be strict with your medications once prescribed, even if you do not have any symptoms.

Visit Quironsalud, a Spanish clinic in Dubai, for comprehensive dilated eye exams and check the existing state of your eyes. Our experienced professionals use the latest optical instruments to examine your condition.


Eye Care Dubai

Villa 1187, 304 Wasl Road,Umm Al Sheif District, Dubai, UAE

Phone. +971 4 342 2228

Mobile. +971 50 744 7757


Office Hours
9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Saturday to Thursday